Mittwoch, 2. Mai 2007

Basics: Lazy portfolios

What is a lazy porfolio? Lazy portfolios are do-it-yourself porfolios for passive investors. Paul B.Farrel is tracking the performance of the porfolio. Return of the lazy portfolio is higher then the S&P500. You also watch his video.

Performance of the lazy porfolio
FundAllocation1-year return3-year annu. return5-year annu. return
Vanguard Total Stock Market Index60%11.10%10.81%7.50%
Vanguard Total International Stock Index 30%20.1420.6416.56
Vanguard Total Bond Market Index 10%6.453.174.87
Total portfolio100%13.3513.009.96
S&P 500 Index11.8310.066.27

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